Tuesday 25 January 2011

What is Poetry?

The art of putting words together and giving them a real meaning.
I think That Poetry works like that. Words do not have a meaning if they did not come out of our hearts.
Poetry can not be just a form of art and literature, It has to be something else. Can something as beautiful as poetry can just be a form of literature? Can so many emotions can just be a bunch of words written on paper with ink? Can That white field with black flowers which holds so many emotions just be that? I do not think so.
To Me, Poetry is how soul is transformed into words.

Everyday Use

This story is a very simple story if you just go through the pages and read their content, but I realized that inside those big loads of text, we could actually find a very strong message in them. It actually reminded me of my mother. I think that this story mainly talks about that, being a mother.
As Daughters or sons, sometimes we do not understand our mother's choices. We can't help but ask "Why She/He and not me?!" but I guess that a mother never chooses between her children, she just gives us what she thinks is better. She might be right or wrong, but in the end nobody taught her how to be a mothe,r or taught us how to be daughters or sons.
It is a very simple story, but it has a strong meaning.

"Night" by Ellie Wiesel

I just refuse to talk about this book again. IT IS SO CRUEL. (Check my first "Night" post)

About What I just read... Holocaust was the meaning of pain, the event in which millions of people died, most of them jews. But I actually think that not just jews were killed, natzis killed themselvess when the commited this crime. How? They murdered their own souls and hearts, becoming walking dead...

Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou

Phenomenal Woman... Maya Angelou describes herself as one. This poem impressed me after I heard about the author's past. Maya Angelou for sure had a troubled past, but still she had the strength to go on and to recognize herself as a PHENOMENAL WOMAN. This poem has something to tell to everybody who reads it, but specially girls. It tells us to be proud of who we are, no matter if you are a size 3 or a size 14, as long as you are a good person, as long as you respect others. Because you are good enough, too good actually... Respect yourself and of course, make people respect you. BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE.
I just loved it... It actually made me think about some... issues I have got.