Thursday 25 November 2010

"Night" by Elie Wiesel

.... I really do not know what to say about this. I just hate reading about this kind of stuff. I must say that im not the kind of person who is easly touched by a book or movie, but Holocaust is a very delicate theme and it is NON-fiction, so I prefer not to read/watch stuff about it, but since this time I HAD TO... I guess that my only option was to do it and do it right.
I just can't believe it. I must say that when I was reading the book I had a pretty harsh day and I was feeling terrible. It was probablly 11:23 pm and I was sick of everything so I started reading so I could go to sleep (the sooner the better) so I opened the book and there was a point in which I broke in tears. I do not know why but it is just so... sad, considering that my mother is jewish and that so is my grandmother and my aunts and uncles, I mean... It is in my blood and I think that the sorrow is shared among every jew in the world. It is as if the pain jews grew to know is actually running through the veins of their sons and the sons of their sons.
I just.... do not know what to write, like, for real. It is unbelievable that the world saw this massive massacre and they turned their backs on all those persons. It makes me so mad. (Seriouslly, I think I'm mad in this moment.)
But anyways, This book is brilliant, by this I mean that the author has this certain style to tell facts in such a raw but still delicate way without being pretentious. He is just truthful and I believe in the purity of his words.
I started weeping when I he left his mother and his sister behind... foREVer. That was so cold.
Auschwitz was a death factory.  THOUSANDS of innocent people were killed in there, just as a factory that produces tons of food cans a day...
Auschwits is such a lonely and silent place now, but I think that the presence of the departed and their voices are still remaining in there. It must be such a heavy atmosphere.....

I guess I will stop now. There is nothing else I can say....

A Dwelling Place for Demons...The Angel Of Death