Monday 6 September 2010

Californian's Tale.

Ok, first of all let me tell you that I won't make a sumary out of the story cause I think we all know what it is about already. What I would like to write about is my point of view and kind of a short analysis which I just thought about some days ago. But anyways...
I think that Twain achieved what he wanted to when he wrote this story and he did it well. Twain did create that suspense in the reader (me) as I read the story. The structure he gave to the events makes the reader come up with a whole load of questions that makes him/her want to read more and more. But by this I mean, this kind of stories have a great strategy to catch the reader's attention without leaving him/her hanging on the edge of the seat. So I would say that it has kind of a relaxed mood, which, by the way, It is the kind of stuff I like to read when I really stressed, because it helps me to calm down.
Something that I did notice about Twain's main character, Henry, was that he was actually acting like his own wife, and he did believe that she would come back. By that we can tell that Henry's love was a never-ending feeling for her, so that makes the reader feel sorry for him, but when finally you reach the end you read about her being dead for 19 years, it is totally heart-breaking.
This is not the best story ever written but it is very nice and gives the reader a lot think about. So yeah, I did Like. ^w^