Monday 6 September 2010

The Interlopers.

The Interlopers is a very mysterious story. To be honest this is Saki's first piece of writing I ever read, and I would say he is kind of a tricky author. I mean, The reader never expects that the interlopers are actually wolves. It is very hard to find out before you get to the ending. There might be some hidden clues that Saki gives, so the reader can find out, but to do it you would need to go like in an "analysis-mode" before you start reading and that would be exhausting and for sure, nobody will enjoy the story that much.
I like the mood Saki creates between Georg and Ulrich because the hatred between both of them is totally clear and you can feel it as reader. I am saying this because in my mind I imagined the a dark forest like at 6 or 7-ish time in the afternoon and the sky had this different tones of orange and red, so for me that colors were based on this hate I just mentioned.
This short story is pretty unpredictable and at the ending the author makes the reader wonder about what happened after he finds out the Interlopers were wolves. So it is totally a cliffhanger.