Thursday 25 November 2010

"Night" by Elie Wiesel

.... I really do not know what to say about this. I just hate reading about this kind of stuff. I must say that im not the kind of person who is easly touched by a book or movie, but Holocaust is a very delicate theme and it is NON-fiction, so I prefer not to read/watch stuff about it, but since this time I HAD TO... I guess that my only option was to do it and do it right.
I just can't believe it. I must say that when I was reading the book I had a pretty harsh day and I was feeling terrible. It was probablly 11:23 pm and I was sick of everything so I started reading so I could go to sleep (the sooner the better) so I opened the book and there was a point in which I broke in tears. I do not know why but it is just so... sad, considering that my mother is jewish and that so is my grandmother and my aunts and uncles, I mean... It is in my blood and I think that the sorrow is shared among every jew in the world. It is as if the pain jews grew to know is actually running through the veins of their sons and the sons of their sons.
I just.... do not know what to write, like, for real. It is unbelievable that the world saw this massive massacre and they turned their backs on all those persons. It makes me so mad. (Seriouslly, I think I'm mad in this moment.)
But anyways, This book is brilliant, by this I mean that the author has this certain style to tell facts in such a raw but still delicate way without being pretentious. He is just truthful and I believe in the purity of his words.
I started weeping when I he left his mother and his sister behind... foREVer. That was so cold.
Auschwitz was a death factory.  THOUSANDS of innocent people were killed in there, just as a factory that produces tons of food cans a day...
Auschwits is such a lonely and silent place now, but I think that the presence of the departed and their voices are still remaining in there. It must be such a heavy atmosphere.....

I guess I will stop now. There is nothing else I can say....

A Dwelling Place for Demons...The Angel Of Death

"Masque of the Red Death"

Masque of the Red Death... Even the title gives me chills. 
I Think that the way Poe wrote this was so grim and twisted, but brilliant at the same time. It is just amazing how he gave a certain meaning to everything. The clock was just the perfect touch to me, I actually think that it is one key element in the story and that without it the story would not have this dark atmosphere. I would describe the clock as a deep and loud heartbeat that announces the ending. everybody was so worried because they knew they were dying with chime.
"...there stood against the western wall, a gigantic clock of ebony." When I re-read the story I noticed about something very interesting about the sentence above; western wall? humm... Probablly that makes an allusion to the sun set,because the sun sets in the west and this actually could represent the end of daytime, the end of LIGHT, the end of life.
The Palace and the abbey represented a shelter to me and it was the party or masquerade the ones that represented a fake fortress, and I say fake because it was not for long...
Red Death could be interpreted in so many ways. In my opinion Red death was a reflection of Prospero himself, Red Death could have taken a certain form according to the individul he/she was supposed to take. Now, Red? Probablly it is because the fact that we will end drenched in our own blood sooner or later.
But anyways, I think that this story seems to be so simple when you just read it, but when you read it FOR REAL you realize that there is much more behind all these words.
It is simply a masterpiece.

Monday 6 September 2010


Hope will fall Tonight with broken wings...


The Interlopers.

The Interlopers is a very mysterious story. To be honest this is Saki's first piece of writing I ever read, and I would say he is kind of a tricky author. I mean, The reader never expects that the interlopers are actually wolves. It is very hard to find out before you get to the ending. There might be some hidden clues that Saki gives, so the reader can find out, but to do it you would need to go like in an "analysis-mode" before you start reading and that would be exhausting and for sure, nobody will enjoy the story that much.
I like the mood Saki creates between Georg and Ulrich because the hatred between both of them is totally clear and you can feel it as reader. I am saying this because in my mind I imagined the a dark forest like at 6 or 7-ish time in the afternoon and the sky had this different tones of orange and red, so for me that colors were based on this hate I just mentioned.
This short story is pretty unpredictable and at the ending the author makes the reader wonder about what happened after he finds out the Interlopers were wolves. So it is totally a cliffhanger.

Californian's Tale.

Ok, first of all let me tell you that I won't make a sumary out of the story cause I think we all know what it is about already. What I would like to write about is my point of view and kind of a short analysis which I just thought about some days ago. But anyways...
I think that Twain achieved what he wanted to when he wrote this story and he did it well. Twain did create that suspense in the reader (me) as I read the story. The structure he gave to the events makes the reader come up with a whole load of questions that makes him/her want to read more and more. But by this I mean, this kind of stories have a great strategy to catch the reader's attention without leaving him/her hanging on the edge of the seat. So I would say that it has kind of a relaxed mood, which, by the way, It is the kind of stuff I like to read when I really stressed, because it helps me to calm down.
Something that I did notice about Twain's main character, Henry, was that he was actually acting like his own wife, and he did believe that she would come back. By that we can tell that Henry's love was a never-ending feeling for her, so that makes the reader feel sorry for him, but when finally you reach the end you read about her being dead for 19 years, it is totally heart-breaking.
This is not the best story ever written but it is very nice and gives the reader a lot think about. So yeah, I did Like. ^w^

Literature....Art Through Paper and Ink.

Literature? A simple word, but a complez meaning. Literature is a form of art. Leiterature for me is the art of words. But what is art? Art is pure and exquisite beauti created by a human mind.
For me literature is more than an art, literature is like an emotion to me. Sometimes it turns into a safe place where I can hide for hours and hours and my imagination can go beyond reality, just like in a dream; and when that dream ends I can end up more than surprised by the wonderful things it does for me. Literature has actually turned into a kind of therapy for me, it has become a someone more than a something.
Literature is for sure, something that goes hand in hand with my passions. Or is it my passion? I wonder....